Monday, August 3, 2009

Tristans First Fourth of July

On Tristans fist fouty of July we had so much fun. My sister and her family came home and my brother and his family came over It was nice to spend time with the family and let Tristan watch the fire works he liked most of them.

Tristans Fourth of July Picture 8 months

Monday, June 15, 2009

7 months old already!!!!

Getting into everything that he is not supposed to
and loves doing it. The cutest little turd I ever did see

Getting older

Tristan is growing more and more every day. I seems like the days are going by faster and faster every day. I can believe have much he has progressed in such little time, he is 7 in a half months old and he thinks he is three. He makes me appreciate everything so much more.

The Cousions

These are my niece and nephews that I
love very very much Kaityln

Nicholas and Grandma

Kayson and Tristan

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tristan Marcus Allen

7 lbs 9 1/2 oz 19 inches
I never though I would ever have something so
precious and so beautiful. He has changed my life
so much more than I could imagine. He is my whole world.